Tambovskaya Silver

Tambovskaya Silver

Tambovskaya Silver Vodka has been crafted based on an over 100 year old original vodka recipe, using charcoal and silver purification methods and being six-times distilled. It is an incredibly smooth vodka, with hints of honey-like sweetness and notes of fresh citrus. It is best enjoyed as a shot with ice or topped up with tonic water and garnished with a fresh lemon zest.

Tambovskaya Silver Vodka combines over 100 years of vodka-making tradition with an outstanding taste. Given its supreme smoothness and crisp mouthfeel it is the perfect choice for consumers seeking a premium-tasting base spirit to create a wide range of cocktails.

Tambovskaya Pink

Tambovskaya Pink

Tambovskaya Pink Vodka is an innovative answer to the popular pink gin trend. Tambovskaya Pink Vodka is crafted from the original, six-times distilled Tambovskaya Vodka, by the Tambovskaya Master Blender with over 40 years of experience. Tambovskaya Pink Vodka offers natural raspberry and lime flavours and is a light, natural pink colour, perfect for refreshing summer cocktails. It is best enjoyed topped up with tonic and garnished with lime or mixed with fresh raspberries, honey and soda, garnished with orange, lime, strawberries and mint.